1. Relating to the sky or heavens
1. Relating to the universe
2. Distance light travels in a year
3. Instrument used to observe distant objects
4. A group of stars close together
5. Piece of rock from space that survives its journey through the Earth's atmosphere
6. The scientific study of celestial objects
7. Fourth planet from the sun
8. Extraterrestrial life form
9. Prominent constellation in the night sky
9. The path an object takes around another object
10. The blocking of light from one celestial body by another
11. Interstellar cloud of gas and dust
12. Icy body that releases gas and dust when near the sun
13. Luminous celestial objects
14. Fine particles in space
15. Relating to the sun
16. Sixth planet from the sun, known for its rings
17. Bright streak of light produced by a meteoroid
18. A highly magnetized rotating neutron star
19. Celestial body orbiting a star